Content Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2023

Raju Chakraborty
5 min readNov 14, 2022

As the world becomes more and more digital, it’s no surprise that content marketing is becoming more and more important. Content marketing has always been a key pillar in the internet based marketing efforts of businesses, but content is constantly evolving. Gone are the days when simple blog posts would have sufficed — today’s audience demands variety. Fortunately, there are many content marketing trends that are set to stay popular in the coming years, so you’ll be well-equipped to stay ahead of the curve. In this article, we take a look at five of the most important content marketing trends for 2023.

Content Marketing Trends

Top Content Marketing Trends in 2023

Content marketing today comes in varied forms. Here are the trends that are going to keep you in competition in 2023.

1. You Need Proven Topics

Proven topics are important for content marketing because they provide a foundation on which to build your content strategy. They allow you to focus on what is most relevant and useful to your audience, rather than trying to cover too many topics in-depth.

To find proven topics, start by brainstorming the things that are important to your target audience. What issues do they face? What problems do they want solved? Once you have an understanding of these things, you can begin to find relevant topics and create original pieces that address those issues.

Your competitor topics are a good place to start. You can also use Google’s “related searches” and discussion boards like Reddit to find out what people are actively looking for.

2. Video Content is the Biggest Contender

Video content marketing is becoming increasingly popular, and the trend is only expected to continue in 2023. By the end of 2022, the average consumer is expected to spend about 100 minutes every day watching videos (invideo). Most such consumers state that they want to see more video content from brands.

There are a number of reasons why short-form video content is so appealing for content marketing. For one, videos are easy to share — whether through social media or email campaigns — and they can be quickly consumed without requiring too much time or effort from the viewer. Videos also allow brands to create highly engaging user experiences that draw users in emotionally.

In addition, short-form videos capture consumers’ behaviors in real time which makes it easier for businesses to understand what works well and what doesn’t when it comes to video marketing strategy development. By understanding consumer behavior trends, brands can design strategies that better connect with their target audiences.

So what does that mean for business owners? It means that video content Marketing is here to stay! And with so many benefits — like increased engagement rates and greater consumer loyalty — there’s no reason not to start using it today!

3. Podcasting is Steadily Growing

Podcast marketing is growing exponentially, and the number of businesses using it to reach their target audience is only increasing. There are a variety of reasons why podcast content is so powerful for content marketing campaigns — it’s highly engaging, informative, and like videos are easy to share. Here are some key consumer behaviors that make podcasts so appealing for businesses:

>>Podcasts provide an interactive experience that stimulates curiosity. Hosts take time to ask questions and get listeners involved in the conversation. This encourages consumers to keep listening because they feel like they’re learning something new every episode.

>>Podcasts give people the opportunity to hear different points of view without having to spend time reading lengthy articles or watching long videos. This makes them more likely than other forms of media to be selective about what information they consume and helps reinforce positive beliefs or opinions that a business wants customers/ clients/ followers to have about its brand or product(s).

>>Podcasting allows companies with limited resources (such as small businesses) the ability to create high-quality audio content that can be distributed widely free of charge through various digital platforms such as SoundCloud, Facebook, Twitter, etc. With minimal effort on behalf of the company, podcasting can quickly become one of your most effective methods for reaching your target market!

4. Smart SEO Strategies are Still Important

There is no doubt that search engine optimization (SEO) strategies are important for content marketing today. After all, if your website isn’t showing up in the first few pages of a search engine, you’re going to have a difficult time achieving your business goals.

Today’s content marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and so are the best methods for achieving smart and advanced SEO. The days of simply pumping out blog posts and hoping for the best are over. Today’s successful businesses understand that good SEO is essential to their success, and they use a variety of sophisticated techniques to improve their visibility in search engines.

Some basic features used by high-performing businesses include:

>>Strategic keyword research — identifying the right keywords to target based on your business goals and audience interests

>>Onpage optimization — using responsive design, schema markup, indexing options, etc., to ensure your site appears properly in search engine results pages (SERPs)

5. Infographics Are Always in Demand

Infographics are one of the most popular types of content today, and there are good reasons for that. They’re visually stimulating, easy to understand, and can be repurposed for a variety of different purposes.

Infographic design is becoming increasingly sophisticated, which means that infographics aren’t just about providing information in an easily digestible way — they’re also a tool for storytelling. By leveraging visual elements like illustrations and graphics, you can help your audience gain a better understanding of your topic or product.

Moreover, infographic design has become more strategic than ever before. These days, infographics not only need to be informative; they also need to appeal to a wide range of audiences (from business professionals to social media users). This means that you have plenty of options when it comes to designing an infographic — so long as you adhere to some basic principles.



Raju Chakraborty

Webguru Infosystems: Website Design Company & Digital Agency in India -